Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Global Warming and CLEAR Act

I'm subscribed to the FCNL newsletter and decided to share some interesting information with you all. Consider this a news worth Tuesday ;-)
*I take no credit for any information*

Global Warming: 3 Reasons We Can't Wait
1) Environmental tragedy
---The Gulf Oil "spill" is one consequence of a continued reliance on fossil fuels
2) Self-preservation
---If we do nothing about global warming, life as we know it could change dramatically.
3) Violent conflict
---Competition for oil, food, and water will fuel war.

4 Things The CLEAR Act Does Right
The CLEAR Act would reduce US fossil fuel dependence and greenhouse gas pollution.
1) It puts a predictable, measurable price on carbon
---Every emitter of a ton of fossil fuel carbon dioxide pays an equal price. CLEAR does not subsidize nuclear power, coal, renewable energy, or any other energy source. Because the price is predictable, businesses can make long-term decisions that take thee cost of polluting into account.
2) It creates a disincentive to pollute.
---The price on carbon makes pollution more expensive for companies and consumers, encouraging them to make choices that are less carbon-intensive.
3) It compensates consumers for the inevitable increase in the price of carbon.
---Although putting a price on carbon will increase prices in the short-term, more than 70% of the public will feel no net financial impact because 75% of the pollution revenue collected by the government is returned to every resident of the US. congress will allocate the remaining 25% of the carbon revenue to fund programs like clean energy technologies.
4) It uses existing government structures as much as possible, minimizing the need for new bureaucracy.
---As much as possible, the refund of the carbon revenues would be done through existing government channels, such as thee IRS and SSA.
---The EPA would keep the ability to set minimum standards for greenhouse gas emissions.
---CLEAR requires compliance as high up in the economy as possible -- at the wellhead, coal mine, or import point. This reduces the administrative burden to only two to three thousand producers.

Take Action!
Ask your Senators to cosponsor the bipartisan CLEAR Act (S. 2877) at www.fcnl.org/CLEAR

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