Monday, September 17, 2012

New Workout Direction

I was revising my plan to get to my goal weight [I've slacked off a lot in the past few months] & realized I'm only 8lbs-13lbs from my goal [130lbs max/125lbs min]! Yay! My new plan: no soda, no late eating [after 9pm/10pm - I'm a night owl], workout/exercise a minimum of 30 mins a day, do one Insanity workout once a week & P90x the rest with situps mix before/after each workout, & possibly start walking 2 miles per day since the weather's cooling off. I was exercising almost daily until June & then started just 15 - 30 minutes three times a week & cutting back on soda. In February 2012 I weighed 160lbs [the most I've ever weighed] & was 30lbs from my max [the most I want to weigh] & 35lbs from my minimum [the least I want to weigh]. I've lost 22lbs so far. May not sound like a lot compared to the goals of others, but I worked my butt off for this; no going back! Oh so close now!!!

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