Monday, August 20, 2012

Gypsy By The Sea Jewelry

Happy Monday!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  I've been under the weather so I wasn't able to get any features up over the weekend.  Today we have three features.  Our first feature comes from Beaufort, NC: Gypsy by the Sea.  One of my favorite items is the Jingle & Oyster Shell & Turquoise Necklace.  Let's get to know this beachy shop!

Q: How did you come up with your shop name?
A: I've always considered myself a bit of a gypsy and I just moved to the Carolina coast in January out of a love for the ocean. Walking on the shore looking for shells, soaking up the sun, or escaping to an island are my favorite past times, so what better name than Gypsy by the Sea. :)

Q: Do you only sell on online?
A: Yes, my jewelry shop (Gypsy by the Sea jewelry) and our vintage shop (Three Thrifty Gypsies), as of right now. I would love to sell my shell treasures in some of the local shops here in Beaufort.

Q: What inspires you?
A: Nature - the beauty and sounds of the ocean and inlet bodies of water, islands, the sand, wildlife, and shorebirds.  My husband most of all - he encourages me to "do and be" anything I feel led to be or do. and prods me along to my fullest potential and is super supportive.

Q: What is the hardest part of what you do?
A: This is the first time I have attempted to make jewelry, so the process of letting my creativity guide me is most difficult. I also have a vintage shop, along with my two daughters (Three Thrifty Gypsies) on Etsy and that is challenging in finding great treasures to share in our shop.

Q: What is one of your favorite items from your shop?
A: The jingle shell earrings.  I love wearing part of the ocean on my ears. :) It feels natural and organic.

Q: Do you only sell on Etsy? If yes, what made you decide to use Etsy instead of sites like ArtFire and MadeItMySelf?
A: Yes. Etsy is very user friendly and popular amongst the public and gets a good dose of media attention on TV and in magazines.

Q: Is Etsy your only "job", or is it something you do on the side?
A: Yes it is. I do have a small office cleaning job, but my Etsy jewelry and vintage shops are my personal source of income. I decided to take a leap of faith and make a go of it, in working Etsy full -time. It's great working from home, coffee shops, library, and your phone and being your own boss and planning your own schedule! My husband loves my flexibility too!

Q: Are you attending any art shows in the future?
A: Yes, I plan to attend a fall "Jumble Sale" in Beaufort, NC in November, at the Beaufort Historical Society grounds in the center of town. I am also looking into a couple of other shows in Morehead City.

Q: Any future projects?
A: The main project right now getting my shop up and running and promoting it. And secondly, creating more jewelry and adding vintage treasures to my shops in gearing up for the fall and holiday season. My goal is to have a 100 items in my jewelry shop and 150 items in my vintage shop before the holidays.

"Be patient, it takes time, but use every opportunity to promote your shop online and in person and love what you do! Let creativity be your guide. Explore Etsy....teams, forums, and treasuries. Start a Facebook Page....share every time you list an item. Announce in a note on your personal Facebook Page about opening up your shop. Start a Pinterest items from your shop and invite your personal followers to follow. Talk to everyone you meet about your new endeavor. Let them see your excitement! Enjoy every step of the journey along the way!" -Sher

1 comment:

GypsybytheSeaJewelry said...

thank you for featuring my shop this month! great interview! i posted your shop/blog links on my personal and shop FB pages! i wish you much success in the future!